Sunday, February 26, 2012


Hey everyone! GUESS WHAT? We get to hear from another of our great ward member's music this week!
Andrea Garcia is an amazing person with an amazing taste in music!

Here are a few of her favorite songs for your enjoyment!...

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Q: If you could play a role in a band, which role would you play and why?

A:  I would be a back-up dancer because I love dancing and they wear cute outfits and they are always super hot.

Q:  What is your favorite song, and what thoughts come to mind when you listen to it?
A:  "We Found Love" by Rihanna.  I think about dancing in a club and the lights and just jumping up and down.

Q:  What is the first CD you ever owned?
A:  Backstreet Boys Millenium.  I was in love with Nick Carter.  I swore I was going to marry him.

Q:  What is your philosophy on life?
A:  All You Need is Love. And sunshine.

Q:  Is there any song or set of songs that you always go to that is special to you?
A:   Reik.  They are a Mexican band, and I just love all their songs.  I can always listen to any of their songs and just feel good.

Q: What is your favorite line from a song?
A:  “I’m crazy but you like it, loca loca loca” (by Shakira). I love that part, because it just makes me want to put my hair down and dance.

Q:  Any last thoughts...
A:  I just love music. It makes me happy and helps me get through the day.  Whenever I’m having a bad day I can just turn the music up!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Feature #1: Biz Gauthier

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o   If you could be a member of a band, which instrument would you play/what role would you play? 
I think I was a guitar player in a past life. So that’s why I’m trying to learn the guitar right now. I'd want to play for Heart - I've always been partial to classic rock... but that doesn't mean I don't like other things.

o   When you listen to your favorite song, what images pop up in your head?
The first song I thought of was "Bicycle" by Queen. I always liked "Bicycle" because whenever I rode my bicycle I thought of it. I pictured the movement of a bicycle. That one’s pretty obvious because the song's about a bicycle, so that's pretty much what I picture.

o   What was the very first CD you owned?
Mmmbop by Hansen. Yes. It was awful. I got a tape walkman when I was 12. And I was 15 when I finally got a CD walkman. And when they came out with the non-skip kind? Man, I thought it was the coolest. We’d hop on the trampoline with it and we thought it was so awesome.

o   What is your philosophy on life?
Just like Dory’s from Finding Nemo: “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...”

o   What’s your favorite line from a song?
I am not that good at lyrics. I’m actually infamously bad at lyrics. For example, the song "Brown-Eyed Girl"  starts out, "Hey, where did we go…." So imagine this: I’m 14 or 15, I'm in the car driving with my family, and that song comes on. I sing the along with the first line of the song, but I say, “Hey rodorigo…" I have never lived that down in my family. Whenever the song comes on, they say, “Hey Biz! It's Rodorigo!!” I’m just bad at lyrics. If I want to sing along I just have to sing along with the wrong lyrics. 

Any last thoughts?
Music is a time machine. It encompasses the future, present and past. Because when I listen to certain songs they usually instigate some kind of memory that is attached to that song: rocking out in the car, as a child singing along with my parents, playing them on the piano, feeling the spirit in church. Songs are also great for taking you to the future.  When you're listening to a song you can just imagine yourself being in a situation where the man really is bad to you so you can finally sing along with "Cry Me a River" and just sing your guts out. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Welcome to the best blog you'll ever meet.

This blog is not for food. It's not for fashion. It's not for travels or for crafting.

This blog is for you.

In each post we will feature a wonderful ward member's playlist of their favorite (wholesome) music. Not only that. We're going to ensure that after you read and listen to the post, you are going to come away with yet another marvelous, meaningful, and miraculous pal from the YSA 175th ward.

Not to mention the music.